Downloadable Articles
Articles by David G Mohler, MD
Book Chapters by David G Mohler, MD
Downloadable Articles
The Use of Chemotherapy in Soft-Tissue Sarcomas, The Oncologist
Alexander I. Spira, David S. Ettinger
Learning Objectives
Identify the role of doxorubicin and ifosfamide in soft tissue sarcomas
Identify the role of newer agents in soft tissue sarcomas
Appreciate the role of adjuvant therapy in the management of soft tissue sarcomas
Appreciate the role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the management of soft tissue sarcomas
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Recent Articles
- Mohler,
D.G.; Cunningham, D.: Adamantinoma Arising in
the Distal Fibula Treated with Distal Fibulectomy: A Case Report
and Review of the Literature Foot & Ankle International
Vol. 18(11) 746-51, November 1997.
- Mohler,
D.G.; Lim, C.K.; Martin, B.: Glomus Tumor of the
Plantar Arch: A Case Report with MRI Findings Foot &
Ankle International Vol. 18(10) 672-674, October 1997.
- Mohler,
D.G.; Kessler, B.D.: Open Synovectomy with Cryosurgical
Adjuvant for Treatment of Diffuse Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis
of the Knee Bulletin Hospital for Joint Diseases (accepted
April 1998).
- Mohler,
D.G.; Chen, W.; Bloom, H.: Angiosarcoma of the Hand Associated
with Chronic Exposure to Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Cement
Journal of Bone And Joint Surgery Vol. 80-A(9) 1349-1353, September
- Mohler,
D.G.; Kessler, J.: Augmented Amputations of the Lower
Extremity Clinical Orthopedics And Related Research 2000
- Fernando,
T.; Kim, S.; Mohler, D.G.: Complete Pelvic Ring Failure
After Posterior Iliac Bone Graft Harvesting Spine 1999 Oct
- Eggener,
S.; Chen, W.; Mohler, D.G.: Mitochondrial Enzyme Deficiency
and Osteogenic Sarcoma Stanford Clinical Medical Student
Journal Vol. 5, No. 1, Winter 1999.
- Fernando,
T.; Kim, S.; Mohler, D.G.: Multifocal Pseudo-Aneurysmal
Bone Cysts in Sickle Cell Disease Orthopedics Vol. 24, No.
5, 489-492, May, 2001.
- Lehto,
S.; Vakharia, M.; Fernando, T.; Mohler, D.G.: Polypropylene
Mesh Repair of Sacroperineal Hernia Following Sacrectomy with
Long Term Follow-up, Bulletin Hospital for Joint Disease
- Vakharia,
M.; Lehto, S.; Mohler, D.G.: Multiple Fracture of
Medullary Tube During Intramedullary Nailing of Long Bone Fractures,
J Orthop Trauma. 2000 Sep-Oct;14(7):514-7.
- Wera,
G.; Mohler, D.G.; Chou, L.: Surgical Treatment of
Post-Radiotherapy Nonunions of the Clavicle, (submitted
Aug, 2000, in revision)
- Mohler,
D.G.: Intercalay Tibial Allografts Following Tumor Reaction:
the Role of Fibuler Centralization, (submitted August 2001)
Book Chapters
- Mohler,
D.G., Lane, J.M., Cole, B.J., Weinerman, S.A.: Skeletal
Failure in Osteoporosis : Diagnosis and Management
of Pathologic Fractures, ed. J.M. Lane, J.H. Healey, Raven
Press, New York, New York,1993.
- Marieb,
E.; Mohler, D.G. (reviewer): Bone Cancer Clinical Case
Study in Human Anatomy and Physiology 5th Edition,
Addison Wesley Longman, Menlo Park, CA, 2000.
- Mohler,
D.G, Bloom, H.T.: Principles of Musculoskeletal Tumor Surgery:
Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Musculoskeletal Tumors,
ed. D.C. Smith, (in press) Aug 2000
- Mohler,
David G.: Orthopaedic Injury Care for Emergency Room Physicians:
Resident Handbook, Stanford University Medical Center Emergency
Medicine Program (in press) March, 2001